Benefits Of Types Of CBD Oils

Anyone who uses CBD oil does so with their own reasons. Whether for recreational effect or medical purposes there are tremendous advantages. The controversy surrounding its use limits the use of CBD oils for medical purposes.

  • Epilepsy

 With extensive study on the effectiveness and safety, medical practitioners have approved CBD oil known as epidiolex in the treatment of two conditions.

These are two common conditions that are characterized by epileptic seizures according to studies.

  1. Lennox-gastaut syndrome which is a condition that appears between the age of 3 and 5 years and involves very different types of seizures.
  2. Dravet syndrome which is a rare condition commonly known for appearing in the first year of life and involves frequent fever related seizures.

It has been very hard to contain these types of conditions using traditional medical practices With the right dosage CBD oils have been used effectively to aid in the treatment process.

  • Sedatives.

There are people who find CBD oils to be effective in fighting insomnia. CBD oils from Phytocannabinoids are effective when it comes to regulating homeostasis. It is important to use the right dosage which is 5-10 mg 30 minutes before bedtime.

  • Cancer

There has been conclusive research that CBD can be used in the fight against cancer. Research proved that CBD oils helped in suppressing the growth of cancer cells hence promoting their destruction. If the levels of toxicity are carefully controlled to harmless levels, CBD oils can be effective in the fight against cancer.

  • Anxiety disorders

Some medical practitioners sometimes caution patients with anxiety disorders against using cannabis and its products. They believe that the levels of THC in CBD oils can trigger or amplify anxiety and paranoia. 

In recent years however, researchers have been able to prove that CBD oils may reduce anxiety in people with certain disorders such as P.T.S.D, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Researchers concluded that, the treatment currently being used for these disorders have more and dangerous side effects compared to CBD Oils

  • Type 1 diabetes

Research has proven that the inflammation on the pancreas which causes type 1 diabetes can be eased using CBD oils. This may yet prove to be a very significant step towards finding cure or control for type I diabetes.

  • Quitting smoking

There have been studies on the possibility to use CBD oils to try and quit smoking. Smoking cannabis can be   dangerous for health and CBD oils can be used in other means with the same desired effects.

Like all other medicinal products CBD oils have their side effects and risks. It is however important to try and weigh the risks against the benefits and decide whether to use CBD oils in trying to cure diseases.

Differences Between Indica And Sativa

Indica and Sativa as strains of cannabis have constituted the very essence of preference as well as points of reference to users worldwide whenever discussing merits and demerits of this cultivar. Universally it is assumed that Indica induces general body relaxation, whereas Sativa excites the mental state inducing a sense of euphoria. However, these cannabis strains have peculiar characteristics, such that each crop or individual stock will yield completely different properties as a direct response to the conditions of cultivation. This essentially means that the same strain grown in different locations with different climatic conditions and soil types, will display a variety of properties. Subtle differences are noticeable in each plant’s aroma signature, color, and its effects.

The terms Indica and Sativa have come to mean different things to users and as such, cultivators have strived to classify their products accordingly and in tandem with cannabinoid content to satisfy this requirement. The difference between Indica and Sativa is in their physical expressions and internal composition otherwise, they share taxonomy. Indica is a short bushy shrub, with equally short and wide leaves of a darker green shade.  Indica also grows in cold conditions with minimum light and matures fast. The Sativa cultivar on the other hand grows tall and slender with thin long leaves of a lighter green shade and long cylindrical flowers. Sativa does well in warm climes with sufficient sunlight and is a slow grower.

The chemical compounds known as cannabinoids and terpenes dictate the internal differences between Indica and Sativa. In reality they share same compounds but with different ratio configurations. There are many compounds but two cannabinoids are dominant. These are cannabidiol or CBD oils online and tetrahydrocannibinol or THC present in both strains. In Indica the CBDs present in higher levels than the THC and the opposite is true in Sativa with higher levels of THC and low CBDs.

These internal differences dictate how each strain affects users. The CBDs are relaxants bringing about mental and body relaxation to users through increased release of dopamine in the brain. They also help relieve acute pain symptoms making Indica ideal for management of physical ailments. THCs are stimulants and very good for a “mental high.” They are good antidepressants and alleviate cases of anxiety. THCs help release serotonin in the brain stimulating focus, learning ability and creativity, as well as general mood lift. This mental stimulation makes Sativa a preferred choice for recreational users.Crossbreeding has greatly affected the individual traits originally separating Indica and Sativa to the extent that the difference between them is a thin line. However, since users still maintain a sentimental attachment to the assumed pedigree, cultivators are careful to oblige.

Medical Benefits Of CBD Oil

Medical Benefits Of CBD Oil

There are many compounds that are found in the marijuana plant. However, the two main compounds with significant medical implications include CBD and THC. While THC is psychoactive and makes a user to feel high, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties. Instead, CBD has properties that are associated with the treatment of many diseases and conditions. After extracting the oil from the weed plant, you can mix it with some other oil like coconut which will act as a carrier. There are many diseases and conditions that CBD oil may treat. See Canadian dispensary Green Society for lots of types of CBD oil to buy. This article therefore highlights and explains how CBD oil treats some of the conditions as follows:

  • Cancer treatment-Recent research has indicated that CBD combined with THC can slow the progression of cancerous cells. Through the tests that have been done in labs, it has emerged that CBD mixed with THC can kill some cancer cells and stop their fast spreading. For people undergoing chemotherapy, there are various side effects that they experience. CBD is able to treat such symptoms like nausea, vomiting and pain that are brought about as a result of undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Pain treatment-CBD is effective in treatment of chronic pain. Furthermore, the CBD compound does not have any side effects that are evidence when using conventional medicines. Globally, many people suffer from chronic pain associated with such conditions like arthritis and Parkinson’s disease. In order to relief the pain, it is advisable to take CBD oil as it does not have any of the side effects associated with the conventional drugs.
  • Treatment of anxiety and depression-The two conditions continue afflicting us in spite of the existence of conventional medicines. These mainstream drugs however, have various side effects that may cause some other conditions. Using CBD is the best way of treating anxiety and depression because it does not have any side effects and it is effective.
  • Treatment of skin conditions-Although many people suffer from skin conditions, many of the conventional drugs used are not effective in alleviating these diseases. Because CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective in the relieve of many of the skin conditions.
  • Neuroprotective traits- As CBD oil acts on the  endocannabinoid system, it alleviates pain for those suffering from neurological disorders. CBD can offer relieve for people suffering from epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. In case you suffer from such ailments like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, try CBD.
  • Heart health-Many people are suffering from heart related conditions such as high blood pressure. If you need an effective treatment with fewer side effects, try CBD. Because it can be used for the relieve of anxiety and depression, it helps to prevent high blood pressure.